Criminal Law in Islam and the Muslim World : A Comparative Perspective

Prof. Tahir Mahmood

Criminal Law 



and the 

Muslim World : 

A Comparative Perspective


This anthology offers studies in the criminal law of Islam, its textual foundations, major theories, principles and procedural rules; its working and social impact in some countries which have retained it in force, process of its re-introduction in a codified form in some other countries; and its place in the modern sciences of criminology and comparative criminal law.

Among the twenty-one studies included in the book, five are by Professor Tahir Mahmood. The remaining sixteen by 18 different authors from heterogeneous backgrounds, cultures and countries have been systematically presented by Dr. Mahmood with an extensive editing, adding introductory notes and necessary postscripts.

On the whole the book covers almost the entire gamut of the Islamic criminal law principles and current scope and practice.

Contents:Introduction. Part-I: General Studies: Criminal Jurisprudence & Comparative Law Criminal Law in Islam: Basic Sources and General Principles - (Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Jubeir).  Crimes and Punishments under the Various Schools of Shari'ah: A Comparative Overview -( Safia M. Safwat). Ethics of Punishments: Islamic and Western Dispensations - (Fateh M. Sandeela). Philosophy and Basic Principles of Islamic Penal Jurisprudence: A Comparative View -( G. Saqlain Masoodi.) Islamic Criminal Jurisprudence and Social Defence: An Ousider's Appraisal - (N.R. Madhavan Menon).

Part-II: Subject Studies: Specific Crimes and Criminal Procedure. A..Offence Against Life.B..Offences Against Property.C. Offences Relating To Sex D.Criminal Procedure & Evidence.

Part-III: Regional Studies: Criminal Law in the Muslim Countries.A. Muslim Countries in General. B.Saudi Arabia. C.Libya. D.Pakistan

The Author:Tahir Mahmood received his legal education at Lucknow ,Aligharh Muslim University and later at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at London..He is well known for his specialised academic and research work in law and Religion ,Islamic Law and the Legal System of Muslim Countries andvarious personal laws of India.He has  been teaching the Dean of the  Faculty of Law at Delhi University .In 1980 he set up a Department of Law which has now been raised to the Centre for Advanced Socio- Lega Studies.He is also one of the founders of the Faculty of Law established in 1989 at Jamia Millia Islamia .Now he is  a senior Professor of Laws at the University of Delhi.On deputation to the Government of India where he held the prestigious position of Chairman of the National Commission for Minorities.

Professor Mehmood has widely travelled in all parts of the Globe and has been closely associated with the top academic bodies of the world including the International Society of Family Law set up in 1975 in Germany and the Organisation of Islamic Conference Islamic  Fiqh Academy Jeddah .He has also been opted on the Editorial Advisory Board of  the Jeddah based Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs .Author of many well known books ,Mahmood is also Founder Editor of of two well established periodicals-the Islamic and Comparative Law Review and the Religion and Law Review.published from the IOS .A specialist in religion based and religion related laws,Mahmood has been writing on these subjects since 1972.


PRICE : INRs   500                                                                PAGES: 504