Book Release Function (March 9, 2004) Speech delivered by Janab Saiyid Hamid, Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi One could hardly think of more significant and fruitful collaboration for a good cause when the one forged between the Institute of Objective Studies and the Indian Association of Muslim Social Scientists on the theme "The Empowerment of Muslims in India". The go ahead was given by a convention on the subject held in November 1998 at Patna. It commissioned an 11 volume series each volume dealing with various aspects of the theme. The first and second volumes of the series viz. 1) the Empowerment of Muslims in India, Perspective, Context and Pre-requisites and 2) Empowerment of Muslims through Education, are being released today. The eleven topics have been chosen wisely and appear to be fairly exhaustive designed to traverse most of the aspects germane to the empowerment endeavor. I would however, suggest addition of Health Care to the series. In the ultimate analysis no two things are more vitally relevant to empowerment than education and health. The realization that the backlog in education should be made up has albeit belatedly dawned on the Muslim community. But the almost equally important attention towards health care continues to be neglected with disastrous results. Before I proceed with my specific assignment of this evening I would venture to make another suggestion, Judging from the high standard set up by the distinguished authors of the first two books and the very valuable information contained and analysed in the books I would strongly urge that the Institute of Objective Studies prepare very brief digests of these books and, to begin with, have translations of the digests published in Urdu and Hindi and disseminated. The subject requires broad-based discussion and enlightenment.
A scholar who has accepted the commission to write a book, particularly one in a
series that sets the destination for him, and to some extent predetermines his
approach, evidently works under a twin handicap; first, he forfeits some of the
freedom that his pen and his intellect are accustomed to; second, he runs the
risk of his style losing its wonted verve culminating in producing something
that turns out to be jejune. I am glad that A. R. Momin has surmounted the
handicap and steered clear of the risk, the first because the predetermined
design fell in live with his own thinking, the second because he possesses a
style fashioned by erudition and animated and enlivened by conviction. The
subject assigned to him elicits the sum total of his thinking and experience.
That the author is emotionally involved in the theme chosen for him is evident,
but that does not affect either his objectivity as a scholar or the detached
style in which is perceptions are conveyed. It is evidently due to his
reputation as an eminent sociologist that Prof. A. R. Momin has been asked to
kick-start this meaningful series, this race towards a destination that
continues, alas, to be clouded by uncertainly and unpredictability.
The scheme of the book reveals the author's scientific approach to a major human
problem. Instead of abruptly preparing road map for the empowerment of Muslims,
which a lesser person would be tempted to do, A. R. Momin prepares a level
playing field before the game starts. He begins by spelling out the concepts of
the three vital processes that are going to form the hub of the entire
discussion viz Development, Empowerment and Disempowerment. Then the proceeds to
deal, again conceptually, with the hurdles that the empowerment race in any
situation will have to surmount. It is in the last five chapters that the
specific situation of Muslims comes up for analytical discussion. In the first
two chapters the author, so to say, has hammered out the yardstick by which he
proposes to measure the group assigned to him for diagnostic scrutiny. In the
third chapter he spells out in all its depressing details, the magnitude of the
disempowerment that Muslims in post-independence era, have undergone. In the two
following chapters the author deals respectively with the external and internal
causes of disempowerment, acknowledging by definition the fact that the decline
and deprivation can nor and should not be laid at the doors of a blind cruel
fate or an unsympathetic Govt. or a hostile segment of the majority community.
These would not have come to pass but for the passivity and insensitivity of
Muslims. The author concludes by a) making well-informed suggestions for
creating circumstances conducive to the empowerment endeavor and b) the seminal
steps that the community should take to secure and perpetuate empowerment.
With my limited experience I would place security, education and health as the
internal underpinning of the empowerment triangle. The devastating effect of
insecurity on the Muslim psyche would require a separate study. It has eaten
into the vitals of the community, lowered its morale and deprived it of positive
thinking. All this adds up to a tremendous incapacitation. This gnawing sense of
insecurity is much more pronounced in the rural areas than in the towns. In
those villages where Muslim population is spares the impact of unrelieved and
ever present insecurity is particularly debilitating.
Health care and health orientation of attitudes and habits requires much more
attention of the community than it has received. In the northern states the
majority of the patients in hospitals is drawn from the Muslim community. Its
habitations are marked by widespread disdain of hygiene.
With regard to education, even where consciousness of its need has been sparked,
both quality and continuity continue to be casualties. It is a distressing fact
that after Syed Ahmad Khan and the luminaries that gathered round him, Indian
Muslims did not produce any person who could take up education with organized
and conceptualized zeal. For educational effort to culminate in generating
quality Muslim homes need to be overhauled. In the towns they are generally
located in heavily congested mohallas which are anything but conducive to
pursuit of education and health. Such homes situated in suffocating areas cannot
produce persons who can compete with members of the better-situated and more
enlightened families. It is a very stultifying experience that whenever Muslims
tried to open out and set up residential colonies at a distance from the ghettos
that they live in, communal tension and riots have compelled them to roll back
and seek shelter in the mohallas they had left.
Muslim leaders have by and large been self-centered. They have shown total
indifference to education, health care, economic reconstruction and removal of
poverty and disunity. The chapters dealing with the disempowerment of Muslims proclaim the author's grip on the Muslim situation. The narration and the analysis are as realistic as they are perceptive. Anyone who wants to get a clear idea and a synoptic view of the Muslim situation in this country can do no better than turn the pages of A. R. Momin's book which is a marvel of compression in the course of which no significant detail has been excluded nor the correct perspective blurred. This is a well-documented objective and analytical description of the status of Indian Muslims. In also suggests steps for reconstruction. It serves with competence the twin objective of identifying deficiencies and adumbrating measures for their removal. |