Stature-Law Relating to Muslims in India

Prof. Tahir Mahmood

While religion has regulated the law for long in the history of mankind, in our times it is generally the law that regulates the scope and limits of religion. In today’s world State legislation and codification of all sorts of laws are the order of the day.

In many parts of the world national statute books include codes, enactments and ordinances relating to Muslims and their religion. The same is true of India.

In this country State legislation now in force covers religious and legal concepts and institutions of the Muslims, their personal law and academic centre. Besides, Muslims religio-legal principles have been interacting with the public and private laws of the country giving rise to important case-law.

This book  offers a thorough study of all statutory provisions and case-law of India relating to, or having a bearing on, Muslims, their religion, religious and academic institutions and personal law. Central and local legislations and judicial rulings thereunder have been critically examined, in their historical setting, in the light of the Indian Constitutional philosophy and the true Islamic teachings.

Prof. Tahir Mahmood is a senior Professor of law at the University of Delhi. He has been the Chairman of National Commission of Minorities, Govt. of India.