Mr. M. Q. Ishaque







Madaris and Maktabs are valuable assets of Indian Muslims.Despite serious political and socio-economic setbacks suffered by the Indian Muslims,survival and Prolifiration of Madaris and Maktab is no less a Miracle.Perhaps it is biggest education system wholly supported by the voluntary contributions existing in todays India.Potential of this education system is immense.Intellegent planning and proper coordination  can bring about a revolution in the life of socio-economically and educationally backward  Indian Muslim community..

Institute of Objective studies has taken up initial steps to survey all the religious institutions and organisation dotted across India to estimate their scope and value.It will be very useful to unite and create co-ordination amongst  them to share each others experience.It is hoped that this directory will act as the first link of a long chain representing detailed survey and inffformation material .The directory will also serve as inventory giving details of Madaris and other educational and welfare organisations and their addresses.All these organisations are arranged in alphabetic  order.

Contents 1.Andhra Pradesh 2.Assam 3. Bihar 4. Delhi 5. Gujarat 6. Haryana 7.Himachal Pradesh 8.Jammu & Kashmir9. Karnataka 10.Kerala 11.Maharashtra12. Madhya Pradesh 13.Orissa 14.Rajasthan 15.Tamilnadu 16.Uttar Pradesh 17.West Bengal

The Author:He got his Masters Degree in Urdu  and English from LN Mithila University,Darbhanga Bihar.He obtained the Degree of Master of Philosophy in Urdu from the Delhi University and completed his doctoral research on "Psycho-Sociological study of the Major Novels of Saul Bellow".His publications are (1)Directory of Muslim Educational.Religious and Welfare organisations in India (English) (2) Hindustan Ke Aham Madaris   (3)"Taqseem-e-Hind Ke Asraat Urdu Ghazal Par " (Urdu) (4) Directory   of Muslim Educational Institutions in India

Mr Ishaque is presently working as Public Relation Officer in the Institute of Objective Studies,New Delhi


PRICE : INRs   250                                                           PAGES: 224