Muslims in India Since Independence :




M. Hashim. Qureshi


in India


A Regional Perspective

Muslims during the last 50 years have been seeking place in the mainstream of the national life. However, there has been perceptible difference between the pace of economic, social and educational development of Muslims and majority community.

While celebrating the 50th anniversary of our independence, serious introspection is needed to understand the place of Muslims in the national scenario .This volume is aimed at providing insight into some of the important issues raised from time to time. Space is a point in reference in any geographical study particularly ,over which the phenomena vary.

On the very outset, the editorial committee identified the themes of the study and requested about 80 persons to contribute on any of the theme indicated. As is evident 16 papers were contributed for the volume. The volume have been divided into four sections according to the themes of the paper, (i) Population profile (ii) Social parameters (iii) Economic parameters, and (iv) Environmental parameters

Contents: Introduction: Section I: Population Profile. Section II: Social Parameters. Section III: Economic Parameters. Section IV: Environmental Parameters.

The Author :He obtained his M.A degree in Geography from Allahabad University in August 1961and stood first in order of merit.He joined st John College as lecturer in 1961.He completed his Ph.D in 1970 from University of Jodhpur .He joined JNU ,New Delhi in 1975.He went to Ethopia on an academic assignment .He returned back to JNU and served as associate till 1991 when he was selected as Professor.He was invited to University of Bremen,Germany as a visiting Professor in 1996He wrote a book with Prof A Mathur of JNU after conductig a detailed survey of Gurgaon District .He wrote two books for classes XI and XII for Hindi and English.He wrote another book in Urdu entitled "Man and His Environment "for Madarsa students.He has published more than 50 research papers in the national and international journals.He is a member of many Social organisations such as Servants of Peoples Society and he is founder member of Association of People of Asia.His academic interests are in agricultural sciences,environment and rural development,trekking reading and gardening are his hobbies.


PRICE : INRs   250                                                                PAGES: 226