Dr. F.R. Faridi & Dr. M.M. Siddiqui






The present book is a completion of selected articles presented at the National Seminar sponsored by the Institute of Objective Studies on the Social Organisation of Indian Muslims. Its chief distinction lies in the attempt of study the social structure of the Indian Muslims in an Islamic perspective. Scholars specialising in Sociology and Social Anthropology have made a searching investigation into the realities of the situation and demolished the presumptions held out in the academic quarters that Muslim society is stratified into ‘Caste’ like divisions.

Contents: Introduction I. Islamic Egalitarianism Vs Social Hierarchy II. Caste and Indian Muslims III.The System of Caste and the Muslims of India IV.Caste-System and its Non-Relevance with Particular reference to Indian Muslims V. Inter-Caste Integration Among Indian Muslims VI.Conformity of Caste Traditions Against Islamic Shariah VII.  Impact of Islam on the Aboriginal Tribes in India VIII. Caste System and Economic Challenge to Muslim Minority in India-A Case Study of Ahmedabad City IX. Economic and Social Situations among Muslims of West Bengal : Some Empirical Observations,  Valedictory Address , Programme, List of Participants, Index

The Editors : The Editor of the present compilation,Dr FR Faridi has been associated with Islamic Economics since its early exposition in the Indian sub continent in early 50s.He has written extensively on Islamic economics in general and fiscal economics in Islam in particular.Born in April 1930 in small town Jaunpur,(UP) ,he took his MA in Economics with distinction from Allahabad University in 1951.After his graduation from the University he joined a 4 year course in Arabic Quran and Hadith and Fiqh at the Thanvi Darsgah Jamaat e Islami (Hind) at Rampur.Later he joined the Institute of Social Sciences at Aligarh and gained extensive experience in field investigation.He joined the Department of Economic at the Aligarh Muslim University in 1951.In 1978 he joined the King Abdul Aziz University ,as a Professor of Economics and chaired the Department of Socio-technical studies,college of Engineering of the University during 1980-1988.He was the chief editor of Journal of Objective Studies(JOS) New Delhi and Urdu monthly Zindagi,the organ of Jamat -e-Islami Hind.He has been associated with various academic and social organisations of Indian Muslim Community since his student days

Dr.Mahmood Mustafa Siddiqui:(b.1925) is MA (Sociology) MA (Psychology) and MA (English Literature) He has retired as an associate professor from the Department of Sociology ,Aligarh Muslim University .A number of his articles have been published in English and Urdu on various concepts and problems of sociology and Psychology.Presently he is Editor of Journal of Objective Studies.He is also a repute d writer in Urdu,well known as Ibn-Farid.He has written and edited more than a dozen books in that language on Inter Disciplinary studies and social Psychology .He had been Editor and Co-ordinator of more than four Urdu journals and magazines.


PRICE : INRs  105                                                      PAGES: 134