holds book release function on ‘Empowerment of Indian Muslims’
was a pleasant surprise for people from academia and intelligentsia to witness a
gathering of around 400 people at a three-day seminar of Indian Association of
Muslim Social Scientists and Institute of Objective Studies at Patna in November
1998. The academic gathering resulted in another academic activity; the
academia’s offered to come out with research-based books on empowerment of
Muslims in various domains across the country. The seminar finally bore fruit
this week when IOS came out with two books out of an 11-volume series on
empowerment. Amid an intellectual congregation from Jawaharlal Nehru University,
Delhi University, Jamia Millia Islamia and Jamia Hamdard at Constitution Club in
New Delhi. Institute of Objective Studies (IOS) and Indian Association of Muslim
Social Scientists (IAMSS) New Delhi held a function to release these two books
on the subject at Constitution Club, Rafi Marg, New Delhi, on 9 March 2004. The
function was commenced by the welcome address, delivered by Prof. Z.M. Khan,
Secretary General of the Institute, in which he threw light on the subject and
explained the importance of the issue.
Kamleshwar and Mr. Prabhash Joshi, both Sr. Journalists were among the prominent
speakers who urged the need to work on upliftment of Muslims in India. Dr. Mohd. Manzoor Alam, Chairman IOS, delivered the presidential address in which he vowed to do utmost for the noble cause of empowerment of Indian Muslims for national benefit. He announced that the Empowerment series of eleven books would be completed by the end of the year. The process of translation of the books is in progress. He added that the other projects suggested by Mr. Hamid were under IOS consideration. The programme was summed up by the vote of thanks by Prof. Z.A. Nizami. |