
The think tank, Institute of Objective Studies and Jamia Hamdard, adopted a 7-point resolution in the presence of Mr. I. K. Gujral and about 300 other participants from the different parts of the country.  The resolutions are as under:  


    1.  The US-led invasion of Iraq, which blatantly disregards the UN sanction and violates all canons of international law, deserves to be condemned in the strongest of terms.  The invasion must immediately stop and the UN must be allowed to play its legitimate role in the resolution of the crisis.

    2.  The recurrent spate of violence and terrorism in the state of J&K needs to be strongly condemned.  This seminar strongly and unequivocally condemns the brutal killing of 24 Kashmiri Pandits at Nandimarg in Kashmir on March 24.

    3.  There is an urgent need to have a statutory anti-discrimination commission, with special provisions and powers for the redressal of the grievances felt and experienced by the minorities.

    4.  The seminar places on record the laudable services rendered by the judiciary, especially in the context of judicial activism.  The participants at the seminar strongly feel that judicial activism should be broadened to encompass the protection of minority rights. 

    5.  It should be made mandatory on state governments to take appropriate action on the findings and recommendations of judicial commissions and commissions of inquiry, particularly in respect of the violation of the rights of minorities, tribal communities and Dalits. 

    6.  The institutions of civil society must be strengthened.  The non-governmental organisations which are working to foster communal harmony and inter-community linkages must coordinate their activities and efforts so as to make this role and functioning more effective. 

    7.  The national media has played a positive and constructive role, specially in recent years. The participants in the seminar feel that the national media should make efforts to project and highlight the contributions made by the Muslim community as well as the positive and healthy developments in the community in respect of education and development.
