Contents:Religion and Law Review

Vol.VI: No.2 Winter 1997

(National Independence Golden Jubilee Number)


[All the contributions to this number of RLR are by Tahir Mahmood]



My Encounter with Religion and Law :An Autobiographical Footnote on Experiences with Human Behaviour



Remembering Yesteryear's Distinguished Men of Religion and Law :Select Obituaries



Communal Violence and Human Rights in Religious Traditions :Need for Revival of Forgotten Values



Religious Minorities in India :Their constitutional Rights and Mechanism for Protection



AMU-the Taj Mahal of Muslim Educational Institutions in India :Legislation and Case Law



Islamic Religio-Legal Institutions and the Indian Constitution-Education,Endowments and Domestic Law



Role of Religion in the Indian Society :Conflicting Judicial and Social Attitudes



Islamic Law :Indian Contribution,Impact and Recent Judicial Trends






I. Landmarks in Religion and Law in India since Independence :A Chronological Brief

II. Muslim Representation in the Indian Constituent Assembly and in higher Judiciary Since Independence :A check list



Religion and Law Review-Volumes I-VI (1992-1997) Cumulative Title Index
