01. |
Symposium on “Nationalism Today: Issues and Challenges” was held at Deputy Speaker’s Hall, Constitution Club, New Delhi on April 30, 2016 Report... |
02. |
Lecture on “Communal Violence, and identity” was delivered by Prof. Shamim Ansari, Deptt. Of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and Member General Assembly of IOS in New Delhi on 21st of May 2016 Report... |
03. |
Lecture on “Current Conditions of Progress in the Muslim World” was delivered by Dr. Zubair Zafar Khan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on 4th of June, 2016 Report... |
04. |
Dars-e-Quran by Ml Abdullah Tarique, Convenor, Idaara Umoor -e -Masajid was held, at Conference Room of IOS on 8th of June 2016 |
05. |
Dars-e-Quran by Dr Nakhat Husain Nadwi Incharge Arabic Section of IOS was held , at Conference Room of IOS on 20th of June 2016 |
06. |
Iftar-Dinner Programme: Speech on this occasion was delivered by Maulana Abdullah Tarique ,Convener of Idaarah Umoor -e -Masajid, Delhi at IOS on25th of June, 2016 |
07. |
Dars-e-Quran by Dr M.Manzoor Alam IOS Chairman was held , at Conference Room of IOS on 29th of June 2016 |
08. |
Discussion on “Liberty & Fraternity in the Constitution: A Review” was held at Nehru House, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-25 onJuly 16, 2016 It was jointly organised by Institute of Objective Studies, Democratic Peoples Lawyers Association, Citizens for Democracy & All India Milli Council. Report... |
09. |
Discussion and Lunch was held on the occasion of Eid Milan programme, jointly organized by IOS and All India Milli Council at IOS Hqts on 17th of July, 2016 Report... |
10. |
Reception was held to honour Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi, Eminent Islamic Scholar of Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, UK at IOS on 21th of July, 2016 Report... |
11. |
Lecture on "Usury to Interest: History and Possible lessons" was delivered by Dr Kaleem Alam, a researcher of Islamic Economic Institute, King Abdul Aziz University (KAU), Jeddah on 30th of July, 2016 Report... |
12. |
30th Annual General Assembly and the 60th Governing Council Meeting 5th of August to 7th of August, 2016 Report... |
13. |
Lecture on "Republic of Turkey in the midst of Crisis-Military Coup or Terrorism in Uniform:An Overview" was delivered by Prof Arshi Khan of Department of Political Science, AMU, Aligarh and Member General Assembly of IOS in New Delhi on 6th of August, 2016. Report... |
14. |
Symposias in the context of contemporary situation was held on the topics of Education, History, Islamic Studies and Law in New Delhi on 7th of August 2016 |
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15. |
Consultative Meeting on "New Education Policy" was held on 9th of August, 2016 at Nehru House, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Report... |
16. |
Condolence Meeting on the sad demise of "Dr Akhlaqur Rehman Kidwai" Padma Vibhushan Awardee (Former Governor of Bihar, West Bengal, Haryana, Former M.P. Rajya Sabha & Former Chairman, UPSC) was held on 3rd of September 2016 at 162, Jogabai Main Road, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi. Report... |
17. |
National Seminar on "Importance of Inter Religious Understanding: Its Implications for Mankind" was jointly organized by Forum for Inter-religious Understanding, Institute of Objective Studies (IOS) and Deptt. of Buddhist Studies & Directorate of Distance Education of Magah University at Bodh Gaya (Bihar) on 24-25 of September, 2016. Report... |
18. |
The Celebration Programme on the completion of 30 years of IOS on the theme of “Towards Equality, Justice and Fraternity in Contemporary Indian –Creating a Better Tomorrow Through Education” was held on 5th of November, 2016 at Speaker Hall, Constitution Club of India, Rafi Marg, New Delhi. Report... |
19. |
Lecture on “Higher Education - Status of Muslims vis-a-vis Other Social Groups in India - 2015” was held on December 8, 2016 at Institute Building, 162, Jogabai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi Report... |
20. |
Discussion on “American Election and President- Elect Trump: Towards Making a New America” was held on December 24, 2016 at Institute Building, 162, Jogabai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi Report... |
21. |
Lecture on “Will Demonetization Eliminate Black Money and Corruption?” By Prof. Amir Ullah Khan, Director, Aequitas Research and Visiting Professor, ISB, Hyderabad, was held at IOS on January 21, 2017 Report... |
22. |
An International seminar on “The Legacy of Mohammad Hamidullah and its Contemporary Relevance” was held at FTK-CIT Auditorium, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi on February 17 & 18, 2017 Report... |
23. |
Condolence Meeting in remembrance of Syed Shahabuddin was jointly organized by IOS and All India Milli Council on March 8, 2017 at Conference Hall of IOS, New Delhi. Report... |
24. |
Twelfth Shah Waliullah Award on the theme “Media, Society and Indian Muslims” was presented to Mr. S. Iftikhar Gilani (Editor Strategic Affairs and Chief of National Bureau of DNA) on April 3, 2017 at the FTK-CIT Auditorium, ,Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Report... |
25. |
A Consultative Meet on “Post-Election Scenario in Uttar Pradesh” was held on April 13, 2017 at Conference Room of Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi. Report... |
26. |
Two-day National Seminar on “Towards Equality, Justice and Fraternity in Contemporary India - Creating a Better Tomorrow through Law” was held In collaboration with Deptt. of English, Aliah University, on April 22-23, 2017 at Aliah University, Kolkata Report... |
27. |
One-day Workshop on “Digitization of IOS Library by Dr. Tarique Ashraf” was held on April 29, 2017 at Institute Building, 162, Jogabai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi. Report... |
28. |
Six-monthly GC Meeting of the IOS was held on May 6, 2017 at Institute Building, 162, Jogabai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi Report... |
29. |
Meeting of IOS Committee on Electoral Reforms and Use of EVMs in India was held on May 9, 2017 at Institute Building, 162, Jogabai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi Report... |
30. |
Excerpts from IOS Chairman’s remarks at select gathering of Muslim NRIs which was held on May 10, 2017 at Riyadh -KSA Report... |
31. |
Summer Teen Youth Camp was held on May 8-12, 2017 at Calicut, Kerala Report... |
32. |
A discussion on the book “The Scenario of Islamic Journalism in India” was held on May 13, 2017 at Institute Building,162 Joga Bai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi Report... |
33. |
Dars-e-Quran by Ml. Abdullah Tariq, Nazim, Idaarah Umoor-e-Masajid was held on May 29, 2017 at New Delhi |
34. |
Dars-e-Quran by Ml. Ajmal Farooq Nadwi, Incharge Urdu Section of IOS was held on June 05, 2017 at New Delhi |
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Dars-e-Quran by Ml. Khalid Husain Nadwi, Administrator (Internal) of IOS was held on June 12, 2017 at New Delhi |
36. |
Dars-e-Quran by Dr M. Manzoor Alam, Chairman of IOS was held on June 15, 2017 at New Delhi |
37. |
Iftar cum Dinner: Maulana Abdullah Tarique, Secretary, Idara Umoore Masajid, delivered a talk on the topic on “Relevance and significance of the holy month of Ramadan” on June 17, 2017 at IOS Hqts, New Delhi. |
38. |
Two-day International Conference on “Conservation of Environment and the Role of Religion” in association with Department of Religious Studies Central University, Kashmir was held on July 5-6, 2017 at Srinagar Report... |
39. |
Condolence Meeting in remembrance of columnist, and media co-ordinator of the Institute of Objective Studies (IOS) and Feature and News Alliance (FANA), Khursheed Alam, was held on 7th of August, 2017 at IOS , New Delhi. Report... |
39. |
31st Annual Meeting of of General Assembly and 62nd Meeting of Governing Council (GC) of the Institute of Objective Studies was held on August 12-13, 2017 at IOS Hqts, New Delhi. Report... |
40. |
Lecture on “Constitution and Constitutionalism in Indian Context” was delivered by Prof Z M Khan, Secretary General of IOS on the occasion of 31st Annual Meeting of General Assembly of IOS on August 13, 2017 at IOS Hqts, New Delhi. Report... |
41. |
One-day Seminar on “Role of Madarsa in Education and Career Building of Muslim Children of North India” in collaboration with Civil Society Network (CSN) was held on August 18, 2017 at New Delhi Report... |
42. |
Lecture on “GST Challenges and Impact” by Prof. Amir Ullah Khan, Director, Aequitas Research and Visiting Professor, ISB, Hyderabad was held on August 26, 2017 at Institute Building, 162, Jogabai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi Report... |
43. |
Discussion on “SC Judgment on Instant Triple Talaq” was held on 9th of September, 2017 at IOS, New Delhi. Report... |
44. |
Condolence Meeting in remembrance of Mufti Ashraf Ali Baqvi Qasmi was held at IOS on 13th of September 2017. Report... |
45. |
Two-day International Conference on “The Role of Women in Making a Humane Society” was held on September 23-24, 2017 at Calicut, Kerala Report... |
46. |
Two-day National Seminar on “Towards Equality, Justice and Fraternity in Contemporary India-Creating a Better Tomorrow Through Islamic Studies” was held in collaboration with Maulana Azad University, Jodhpur on October 20-21, 2017 at Maulana Azad University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Report... |
47. |
IOS Chairman’s address to youth in Riyadh on November 5, 2017 at Riyadh (KSA) Report... |
48. |
Two-day National Seminar on “Towards Equality, Justice and Fraternity in Contemporary India-Creating a Better Tomorrow Through History” was held in collaboration with The New College on December 2-3, 2017 at Chennai. Report... |
49. |
Lecture on “Major Books on Seerah written in Kannada” was delivered by Abdussalam Puthige, Editor-in-Chief of Kannada daily Veertha Bharthi on 9th of December 2017 at Bangalore. Report... |
50. |
Lecture on “Exclusive Inclusion: An insight into India’s Affirmative Journey so far” was delivered by Rajeev Ranjan Roy, senior assistant editor, Daily Post, Chandigarh, on December 16, 2017 at Institute Building, 162, Jogabai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi. Report... |
51. |
Felicitation Programme for “Newly-Elected office-bearers of the Press Club of India” was held on December 19, 2017 at Press Club of India, New Delhi. Report... |
52. |
Discussion on “Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2017” was held on January 7, 2018 at Institute Building, 162, Jogabai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi. Report... |
53. |
A 14-day Orientation Programme on “Research Methodology: Islamic Perspective” in collaboration with Faculty of Social Sciences, A.M.U. was held from January 27 to February 9, 2018 at AMU, Aligarh. Report... |
54. |
30th Anniversary Celebrations Concluding Programme Three-day International Conference on “Towards Equality, Justice and Fraternity in Contemporary India - Creating a Better Tomorrow” was held on February 16-18, 2018 at Constitution Club of India, New Delhi (India) Report... |
55. |
Lecture on “Hindutva and Nationalism” was delivered by Maulana Abdul Hameed Nomani, General Secretary, All India Muslim Majlis e Mushawarat on March 3, 2018 at IOS Hqts. New Delhi. Report... |
56. |
A two-day IOS-AMU Seminar on “Urdu Writers Tribute to the Prophet of Islam in the Modern India” was held on March 10-11, 2018 at Deptt. of Islamic Studies, AMU, Aligarh. |
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57. |
Ninth Qazi Mujahidul Islam Memorial Lecture on “Popular Science in Urdu Literature & its Dissemination” was delivered by Mr. M Khalil, Former Scientist CSIR & former Editor, Science Ki Duniya, at Conference Hall of IOS on 17th of March, 2018. at Deptt. of Islamic Studies, AMU, Aligarh. |
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58. |
Seventh IOS Lifetime Achievement Award on was conferred upon Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, an eminent Islamic scholar and Vice-Chancellor of Maulana Azad University, Jodhpur, at a ceremony held at Jamia Engineering College Auditorium, New Delhi on 30th of March , 2018. |
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59. |
A Two-day International Conference on “The Life and Contributions of Prof. Ismail Raji Al Faruqui” was held on April 20-21, 2018 at Conference Hall of FTK-CIT, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. |
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60. |
The 63rd Meeting of Governing Council (GC) of the Institute of Objective Studies was held on April 28, 2018 at IOS Hqts. New Delhi. |
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61. |
Condolence Meeting in remembrance of Justice Rajinder Sachar, former Chief justice, Delhi High Court; Maulana Mohammad Salim Qasmi, Rector, Darul Uloom Deoband (Waqf); Maulana Abdul Wahab Khilji, Founder Member, All India Milli Council and Salar M. Khan, Advocate, Member, General Assembly of IOS & former editor, IOS Human Rights Today was jointly organised by the IOS and All India Milli Council on May 4, 2018 at the FTK-CIT, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. |
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62. |
Dars-e-Quran by Ml. Abdullah Tariq, Nazim, Idaarah Umoor-e-Masajid was held on May 14, 2018 at IOS Hqts, New Delhi. |
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63. |
Dars-e-Quran by Dr. Nakhat Husain Nadwi, In charge Arabic Section, of IOS, was held on May 21, 2018 at IOS Hqts. New Delhi. |
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64. |
Dars-e-Quran by Ml. Ajmal Farooq Nadwi, Incharge, Urdu Section of IOS, was held on May 28, 2018 at IOS Hqts. New Delhi. |
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65. |
Dars-e-Quran by Dr. Nakhat Husain Nadwi, Incharge,Arabic Section of IOS, was held on June 4, 2018 at IOS Hqts. New Delhi. |
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66. |
Iftar- cum –Dinner: Ml. Ajmal Farooq Nadwi, In-Charge, Urdu Section of IOS, delivered a talk on the topic on “Significance and the Blessings of the holy month of Ramadan” on 9th of June, 2018 at IOS Hqts, New Delhi. |
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67. |
Dars-e-Quran by Dr. M. Manzoor Alam, IOS Chairman was held at Conference Room of IOS on June 11, 2018. at IOS Hqts. New Delhi. |
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68. |
Institute of Objective Studies & Faculty of Social Sciences, AMU jointly organized a programme on Revitalizing Indian Association of Muslim Social Scientists on the theme of “Role of Muslim Social Scientists in the Global Changing Scenario with special reference to India” on June 20-21, 2018 at Conference Hall of Faculty of Social Sciences, AMU Aligarh (UP). |
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69. |
Two-day IOS workshop on the “Art of Translation: Problems and Possibilities” was held on June 29-30, 2018 at IOS Hqts, New Delhi. |
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70. |
Discussion on “Draft Act for setting up of the Higher Education Commission of India by Repealing UGC Act” was held on July 5, 2018 at IOS Hqts, New Delhi. |
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71. |
Release function of IOS Study titled “Vision 2025: Socio-Economic Inequalities: Why does India’s economic growth need an inclusive agenda” was held on July 7, 2018 at Conference Hall of FTK-CIT, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. |
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72. |
Lecture on “Crypto currency: A Currency or A Product/ Commodity? – a case of Bit Coin.” by Dr Kaleem Alam ,Researcher and Advisor of Islamic Economic Institute (IEI) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 4th of August 2018 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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73. |
Release of IOS Document titled “Vision 2025: Socio-Economic Inequalities: Why does India’s economic growth need an inclusive agenda” was held on 4th of August 2018 at Hyderabad. |
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74. |
Lecture on “Higher Education and Muslims: Challenges and Opportunities” was delivered by Prof (Dr) Aslam Pervaiz Vice-Chancellor Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad on 19th of August 2018 IOS Kolkata Chapter |
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75. |
32nd Annual Meeting of General Assembly and 64th Meeting of Governing Council (GC) of the Institute of Objective Studies was held on September 1-2, 2018 at IOS Hqts. New Delhi. |
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76. |
Lecture on “Current Situation in Turkey: An overview” was delivered by Prof Arshi Khan, Professor of Political Science, AMU Aligarh on the occasion of 64th Annual Meeting of General Assembly of IOS on September 2, 2018 at IOS Hqts, New Delhi. |
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77. |
Workshop on “Preparation of Course material on Islamic Civilization” was held on September 3, 2018 at New Delhi. |
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78. |
Discussion on “Consultation Paper on Family Law” was held on 15th of September 2018 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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79. |
Workshop based on the book “Future of Political Islam” was held on September 29, 2018 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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80. |
Symposium on “Distortion in the Writing of Indian History” was held on 13th of October 2018 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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81. |
Symposium on “Scientific Approach of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan” was held on 18th of October 2018 at IOS Chapter Aligarh. |
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82. |
Lecture on “Debt and Responsibility of Stock Market Investors (Share Holders)” by Dr Kaleem Alam, Associate Professor, Islamic Economic Institute (IEI) King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah on 22nd of October 2018 at Chennai. In collaboration with MEASI Institute of Management, Chennai. |
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83. |
Lecture on “Better Approach to Profit,Dividend and Financial Compensation: Empowering Share Holders” by Dr Kaleem Alam, Associate Professor, Islamic Economic Institute (IEI) King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah was held on 24th of October 2018 at Bangalore. In collaboration with Quwathul Islam Group of Institutions, Bangalore. |
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84. |
Lecture on “Impressions from a journey: Whither Bangladesh?” was delivered by senior journalist Mr. A U Asif (Editor, Chauthi Duniya) as a part of delegation 46 delegation of 10 countries in Bangladesh in which he shared his experience on 24th of October, 2018 at IOS Hqts. New Delhi. |
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85. |
National Conference on “The Life and Contributions of Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani” was held on December 1-2, 2018 at Patna. |
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86. |
Condolence Meeting in remembrance of Maulana Mohammad Asrarul Haque Qasmi, Member of Parliament & former Vice-President of All India Milli Council was held on 10th of December 2018 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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87. |
Get-Together with Delhi-based journalists was held on 16th of January, 2019 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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88. |
Book Release “Hindutva Aur Rashtravad” written by Ml Abdul Hamid Nomani, General Secretary, All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat and Discussion on “Current Situation in the Country and our Responsibilities” was held on 2nd of February 2019 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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89. |
Lecture based on the book “Islam and Knowledge” written by Prof. Imtiaz Yusuf was delivered by Prof. Hamid Naseem Rafiabadi on 8th of February 2019 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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90. |
Lecture based on the book “Epistemological Bias in Social Sciences” written by Abdul Wahab Al-Miseri, is to be delivered by Prof. Arshi Khan on 16th of February 2019 at IOS Hqts New Delhi. |
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91. |
Discussion on “Aryan Origin in India and Iran” by Prof. Kochar, Chandigarh University is to be held on 18th of February 2019 at Deptt. of Political Science Jamia Millia Islamia from 11:30 am. |
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92. |
Lecture based on the book “The First Written Constitution in the World at the Time of Prophet” written by Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, is to be delivered by Prof. Haseena Hashia on 23rd of February 2019 at IOS. |
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93. |
Workshop on “Youth and Technology” on 2nd of March 2019 at Jahangirabad, Barabanki (UP) in collaboration with Jahangirabad Institute of Technology. |
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94. |
Lecture based on few of the chapters of the book “Cultural Atlas of Islam” written by Prof. Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi, is to be delivered by Prof. Ishtiyaque Danish on 9th of March 2019 at IOS. |
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95. |
10th Qazi Mujahidul Islam Memorial Lecture on “Urdu Seerat Nigaari kay Tabandah Naqoosh” to be held on 30th of March 2019 at IOS. |
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IOS Programmes Year 2015-16 |