Due to globalization, the people of India are facing the effects of global changes as well as that of internal changes. The huge stock of nuclear weapons of many developed countries on the one hand and talking of maintaining peace and removal of poverty on the other, seems to represent a mismatch in the approach. The policies made by the government of India to improve the conditions of minorities are not implemented properly (e.g. the parts of funds for minorities remain unutilized by Ministry of Minority Affairs since the three consecutive years). Hence the targets are not achieved. Even after improvements in literacy rates, the minorities are lagging behind as compared to general category of people in India due to the lack of educational and health facilities as well as employment opportunities.
The objective of Institute of Objective Studies (IOS), New Delhi, has been trying to highlight the plight of minorities, particularly Muslims, in India as well as in the world. The IOS has been working since last twenty six years to enlighten people at grass root level by depicting the factual picture by highlighting the facts through solid data base.
In this context, the following sequence is considered for data/information collection/compilation and presentation on IOS Website (as per priority for the community):
1. Health
2. Education
3. Employment
4. Personalities and Contribution of Muslims
5. Communal Riots, and
6. Other Information (e.g. UPSC Exams, Net Exam, Scholarships, etc.)
An attempt has been made by collecting and analyzing the data / Information to help politicians, bureaucrats, social workers (NGOs), researchers, etc. to make use of data to present the real picture of minorities and help the minorities to get their share for joining hands for the proper development of the country as a whole. The following forty nine documents of data tables / graphs and other important information are presented for the same purpose on IOS Website:
- Slowdown in Indian Economy – 2019

- Dropouts and Percentage from IITs since 2017
- State-wise Ranking of Education, Health and Inclusive Development – 2018
- State-wise Ranking of Education and Health 2017 and 2018
- Page-3 of IOS Calendar 2019
- Year-wise Allocation and Expenditure - MoMAs during 2014-15 to 2017-18
- Category-wise Enrolment as Percentage of All India Total from 2014-15 to 2017-18
- Page-2 of IOS Calendar 2019
- All India Category-wise Enrolment-Teachers Ratio from 2014-15 to 2017-18
- Child Marriage in India related Information - UNICEF
- Bad Loan Write-offs from 2009 to 2018
- Incidents of Violence – Lynching, Killings, Beating, Thrashing, etc. from August 2014 to April 2019
- Comparison of Percentage Gr of some Items related to Eco situation in UPA II (2009-14) and NDA (2014-19)
- Comparison of some Items in UPA (2009-14) and NDA (2014-19)
- Rank of India in different Indices
- Details of Schemes-Programs-Initiatives-MoMAs
- A comparison of India and Pakistan defence powers India, Pakistan Troop Strength and Weapons in Numbers - 2018
- Country-wise Prevalence of Depressive Disorders 2015 and Averaged Ranking of Happiness Index of 2013-2015
- Year-wise and State-wise Amount-wise Scholarship sanctioned since inception from 2003-04 to 2017-18
- Note on Status of Nai Udaan and Padho Pardesh
- Page-1 of IOS Calendar 2019
- Average Annual Number of Deaths attributable to Air Pollution across India from 1990 to 2016
- Schemes of MAEF, MoMA
- Page-4 of IOS Calendar 2018
- Prices of Petrol-Diesel in Delhi-India and Exchange Rate from 2003 to 2018
- Crime against Children in India 2006-2016
- How often does Narendra Modi travel – and how much of it is on BJP Work
- All India Community-wise distribution of Scholarships 2012-13 to 2016-17
- Page-3 of IOS Calendar 2018
- Few Oldest Mosques of India
- RBI admits Loan Frauds under Modi Govt Three Times higher than UPA-II
- Time Series: Rape Cases and Percentage Change in India - 1971 to 2016
- Page-2 of IOS Calendar 2018
- Short Note on World Happiness Rankings 2018
- Comparison of Period of UPA Govt-NDA Govt
- CBSE UGC NET July 2018 Exam Pattern, Age Limit changed: Know all about it
- Page-1 of IOS Calendar 2018
- Business Dictionary
- Recruitment NVS Advertisement Recruitment 2017-MoHR
- Page-4 of IOS Calendar 2017
- State-wise Number of Rape Victims - 2015
- Short Note on Talaq of Muslim Women and Condition of Hindu Women in India
- JMI FREE COACHING for CIVIL SERVICES (Preliminary-cum-Main) 2018 Notification
- Communal Candidates Put forth by Major Political Parties (Between 2012 and 2017)
- AMP Hr Edu Scholarship 2017
- SSC MET Recruitment 2017
- Page-3 of IOS Calendar 2017
- Applications on the prescribed forms are invited for teaching and other positions in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
- Islamic Development Bank, JEDDAH - Loan/ Scholarship
- India’s Poor Record in Healthcare
- Growth of Higher Education Institutions in India 1947-48 to 2014-15
- One Page Hijri Calendar - 1439H
- Government of India Jobs – Ministry of Home Affairs 2017
- Page-2 of IOS Calendar 2017
- Short Note on Air Pollution being hazardous for Health
- Page-1 of IOS Calendar 2017
- Percentage of Muslim Candidates Selected out of Total Candidates Selected in Civil Services 1990 to 2015
- Higher Education - Status of Muslims vis-a-vis Other Social Groups, India – 2015
- Education For All - Global Movement led by UNESCO
- Page 4 of IOS calendar 2016
- Verses in the Qur‟an about Adl (عدل ) - Insaaf (Justice)
- Representation of SCs-STs-Muslims in Police Force
- Key Terms and Names
- 3rd Page of IOS Calendar 2016
- State-wise District Names - Headquarters – Population 2011- Area and the Population Density
- Major Events in World History (from 40000 BC till 2001AD)
- Major Inventions of the Modern Age
- List of Muslim Majority Countries
- Page 2 of IOS calendar 2016
- List of High Court Judges of India as on 01-02-16
- 15 Famous Indian Scientists and their Inventions
- Page 1 of IOS Calendar 2016
- PhD Programmes
- Notification for PhD admission
- List of DMs-Dist. Collectors-Dy Commissioners-Rural of Different States 2014
- IOS Calendar 2015-Page 4
- You should definitely take an Afternoon Nap
- List of District-wise District Magistrates/District Collectors/Deputy Commissioners - 2014 of 10 States
- Percentage of SRCs in different Educational Levels
- UGC has released a List of 21 Fake Universities Across the Country
- Abortion-Female Foeticide in India
- Country-wise Global Peace Index-2014
- List of UPSC Civil Services Toppers 1972 - 2014
- Jamia Millia Islamia Prospectus 2015-2016
- SSC SSB Recruitment Notification 2015 6225 Constable GD Apply Online @ ssconline.nic.in
- Scholarships 2014
- UGC NET December 2014: Application Process opens Today, October 15
- Winners of Param Vir Chakra (PVC) since 1950
- Jamia shapes IAS Dreams in its Free Coaching Academy
- 100 Health Updates
- Important Historic Dates of Islam from Prophet Ibrahim to Prophet Mohammad (SAW)
- List of Converts to Islam from Christianity
- Lok Sabha
- Rajya Sabha – An Introduction
- Now 6 Attempts to crack Civil Services
- Bharat Ratna Awardees From 1954
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Constitution of India
- FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS-Constitution of India
- List of Retired Supreme Court Hon'ble CJI Arranged According to Seniority
- List of Retired Supreme Court Hon'ble Judges Arranged According to Seniority
- Rank of States for Key Indicators
- Global Hunger Index (GHI) – Short Note
- IAS Prelims 2014
- Note on Percentages of Socio Religious Categories (SRCs) from NSS data Round 61 (2004-05) and Round 68 (2011-12)
- A Note on Overall Scenario from NSSO Round 61 (2004-05) and Round 68 (2011-12)
- Major Achievements of Delhi Govt.
- Top Ten Countries - Compiled
- All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE)
- Hard Facts and Figures
- Important Information-I
- Important Information-II
- Important Information-III
- Important Information-IV
- Important Information-V
- Important Information-VI
- Contributions of Muslims in the World – Part I
- Statutory and Non-Statutory Bodies of India
- Children in India 2012
- Vital Statistics -Country-wise
- Vital Statistics Part-I (Population)
- Vital Statistics Part-II (Education)
- Vital Statistics Part-III (Agriculture)
- Vital Statistics Part-IV (Health)
- Health Updates-I – News/New Researches
- Health Updates-II – News/New Researches
- Health Updates-III – News/New Researches
- Health Updates-IV – News/New Researches
- Health Updates-V – News/New Researches
- Health Updates-VI – News/New Researches
- Health Updates- VII – News/New Researches
- Health Updates- VIII – News/New Researches
- Health Updates- IX – News/New Researches
- Health Updates - X – News/New Researches
- New Research Study "Hindus and Muslims - Least Likely to engage in Premarital Sex"
- Abbreviations – Compact and Useful
- Abu al-Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas Al-Zahrawi (936–1013)
- Crime against Women in India and World
- Details for Civil Service Examination of UPSC
- Facts and Figures of Muslims in the World
Please have a look on the details of documents and send your comments on the e-mail given below:
Email: ios.newdelhi@gmail.com