Research Themes in Political Science |
Concepts of unity of God and unity of creation determine the parameters of defining relationship pattern of man with the Creator and total creation based on moral spiritual consciousness. All aspects related to the theme are covered under the heading. Political philosophy is an integral part of Islamic vision of reality. Knowledge has to be made relevant in terms of the Revealed knowledge and renewal of national parameters for cultural renewal. State is highly important and responsible institution for establishing a just and righteous society. It is not possible without fullest participation of individual in political processes. Established process like Shura may be examined afresh. Consensus model of state may be examined. Most of conflicts arise out of narrow political interests and faulty perspectives. Islamic Epistemology may be rigorously used for developing proper viewpoints. It would help in mitigating conflicts. Secondly, mechanism and processes of conflict resolution may be tried within these parameters. Development is a recurrent theme in political thinking. Islam presents a comprehensive philosophical foundation and scheme of over all development of all sections of society. Balanced development strategy based on Islamic principles may be worked out. Ethnicity has assured a distinct place as a factor of mobilization and political behavior in present-day politics. Islam assigns an extremely limited role to ethnicity. It needs to have a fresh look into theory of ethnicity and its possible relevance to politics.
Indian Muslims have distinctly acquired an identity of their own. They are highly exposed community, and participate in political processes of the largest democracy of the world. Various kinds of their role perceptions and identification of their problems and analysis of concerned variables do require fresh look. Muslims are a bottom line community as supported by the statistical data. Can a backward community participate in political processes meaningfully? Are they being marginalized? A comprehensive research scheme is needed. Analysis of all concerned aspects of communalism in Indian politics is the need of the hour. FACTORS POLITICAL MOBILIZATION IN INDIAN POLITICSFactors of religion, caste, region, etc. are used for political mobilization. Analysis of role of Muslims in vote politics should be on cards.
There is a rising trend of multiplication of conflict situation in international arena. The whole world civilisation is being pushed on competitive lines and politics is the game of struggle for power. The quantum and intensity of power to kill is tremendous. Human needs a framework for World Peace.
There is a growing voice of dissatisfaction against Western model of democracy. Pressure groups reduce a tiny minority into ruling elite. Can there be alternate political institutions to establish an egalitarian society. Model of Islamic political foundation is the alternative.
Islam can provide a complete frame for conduct of international relations. Western thought and practice have failed to meet the demands of justice and peace in an increasingly chaotic and threatening world. There is a challenge to develop Islamic paradigm and methodology for conducting foreign relations. Tawhid, justice, peace, tolerance, unity, etc. are to be looked and developed in Islamic context.
There are scores of examples of exploitation of communities on the basis of race and colour. Western civilisations have glaring examples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in particular. These factors need to be examined and alternative to dependency syndrome may be suggested. There is growing evidence that political and national boundaries are becoming redundant.Economic regional groups are coming up. These groupings in Asia and Africa can provide alternative to hegemony of advanced countries. An objective analysis and a multi-variant probe in these areas are to be taken up. SAARC, ASEAN, GCC, OPEC, etc. are important. |