1. Applied Social Psychology:
- Study of leadership style/type in Islamic
- Religious prejudices among Muslims.
- Caste system and prejudice among Muslims.
- Gender prejudice among Muslims.
- Modernization and the Muslims
- Interpersonal Relationships and
interpersonal attraction Among Muslims themselves and with others particularly with
- Motivating the Muslim youths in the
contemporary social conditions.
- Socialisation of the Muslim children-child
rearing practices.
- Social change in Islamic perspective.
- Religiosity among Muslims religion,
culture and socio-economic conditions.
- Attribution processes of Muslims vis-à-vis
2. Psychopathology:
- Deviant sexual behavior and social
- Crime and delinquency among the
Muslims-causative analysis and rehabilitation of the criminals and the delinquents.
- Alcoholism and Rehabilitation of the
alcoholics and drug addicts.
- Mental Health Islamic approach towards
diagnosis and therapy of Mentally ill.
- Social Psychological causes of Incidence of
mental morbidity among Muslims.
- Aging and old-age care among Muslims.
- Muslim Families and Aging Population.
- Death anxiety among Muslims.
- Personality profile of Muslim men and women
- Self concept and self esteem
- Muslim skilled and child labour in
Industries with reference to their exploitation.
- Enterpreneurship among Muslims.
- Consumer behavior among Muslims.
- Industrial morale & Muslims workers.
- Muslim women workforce.
- Job Satisfaction/Job Involvement in relation
to religious practices.
- Quality of working life of Muslim employees.
- Training of Muslim workers.
- Motivation of Muslim workers in
public/private sectors.
- Human Resource Management of Muslims
- Islamic Ethics & Muslim Workers
4. Educational
- Promoting Adult Education among the Muslims.
- Establishing guidance and counseling centre
for Muslim students.
- Women Education among Muslims.
- Madrasa education and measures of
- Achievement and Causative analysis of poor
performance among Muslim children.
- Social and Psychological causes of drop-outs
among Muslims.
- Cognitive and creative abilities among
Muslim children.
- Vocational choices, aptitude among Muslims
Cognitive style of Muslims
and Gifted Muslim Children.
5.Current Social
Psychology Problems:
- Poverty among Muslims, impact of poverty on
motivational, behavioral and personality development.
- Muslims alienation from the National
- Marital satisfaction and divorce (issue)
Islamic perspective.
- Family planning Islamic vs.
governments view points and resultant conflicts in the minds of the Muslims
and non-Muslims.
- Ethnicity and Ethnic identity development
among the Muslims Identity Crisis.
- Political awareness and participation in
voting and other political behavior.
- Feelings of security and insecurity among
- The frustration aggression hypotheses
and the Muslims.
- The study of mental health, behavioural
changes in the riot affected people of areas.
- Impact of segregated/integrated residential
areas on "Muslims life style".
- The Muslim slum dwelling motivation,
personality, cognition.
- Psychology of the Disadvantaged (minority
- Causative, attribution among Muslims.
- Attitude and Prejudice in the contemporary
Stereotype and
6.Research Methodology:
- Construction of test material with special
reference to Muslim respondents.
- Development of hypothesis in the light of
Quran and Hadith.
- Selection of technique for the collection of
data of Muslims particularly the females.
- Development of test for the measurement of
Intelligence, Personality Achievement, and other psychological abilities.
- Development of tests batteries for the
measurement of Islamic beliefs and behaviours.
- Development of tool for Islamic values.
- Islam and Collectivistic vs
Individualistic Cultural Values Besides above six broad topics some more
areas may be studied.
7. Health Psychology:
- Quality of well-being of Muslims
- Stress sources, effects and coping styles or
strategies of Muslims
- Stress related disorders, Diseases and
coping mechanism
- Social Psychological determinants of Health
- Aggressive Behavior & its country
- Islamic thought
- Life and death instincts
- Social control
- Meditation and Namaz, Impact of Saum
and Salat
- Ethnocentrism and religious affiliation
among Muslims.
- Analysis of dreams in Islamic Perspective
- .Guidance and Counselling in Islamic
- Islamic History and Psychology
- Personality of Prophet, Sahabas and Caliphs
i. Law and Psychology
ii. Politics, Leadership and Powers