Research Themes in Psychology


1. Applied Social Psychology:

  1. Study of leadership style/type in Islamic perspective.
  2. Religious prejudices among Muslims.
  3. Caste system and prejudice among Muslims.
  4. Gender prejudice among Muslims.
  5. Modernization and the Muslims
  6. Interpersonal Relationships and interpersonal attraction Among Muslims themselves and with others particularly with Hindus.
  7. Motivating the Muslim youths in the contemporary social conditions.
  8. Socialisation of the Muslim children-child rearing practices.
  9. Social change in Islamic perspective.
  10. Religiosity among Muslims – religion, culture and socio-economic conditions.
  11. Attribution processes of Muslims vis-à-vis others.

2. Psychopathology:

  1. Deviant sexual behavior and social sanctions.
  2. Crime and delinquency among the Muslims-causative analysis and rehabilitation of the criminals and the delinquents.
  3. Alcoholism and Rehabilitation of the alcoholics and drug addicts.
  4. Mental Health– Islamic approach towards diagnosis and therapy of Mentally ill.
  5. Social Psychological causes of Incidence of mental morbidity among Muslims.
  6. Aging and old-age care among Muslims.
  7. Muslim Families and Aging Population.
  8. Death anxiety among Muslims.
  9. Personality profile of Muslim men and women
  10. Self concept and self esteem

3. Industrial/Organisational Psychology:

  1. Muslim skilled and child labour in Industries with reference to their exploitation.
  2. Enterpreneurship among Muslims.
  3. Consumer behavior among Muslims.
  4. Industrial morale & Muslims workers.
  5. Muslim women workforce.
  6. Job Satisfaction/Job Involvement in relation to religious practices.
  7. Quality of working life of Muslim employees.
  8. Training of Muslim workers.
  9. Motivation of Muslim workers in public/private sectors.
  10. Human Resource Management of Muslims
  11. Islamic Ethics & Muslim Workers

4. Educational Psychology:

  1. Promoting Adult Education among the Muslims.
  2. Establishing guidance and counseling centre for Muslim students.
  3. Women Education among Muslims.
  4. Madrasa education and measures of improvement.
  5. Achievement and Causative analysis of poor performance among Muslim children.
  6. Social and Psychological causes of drop-outs among Muslims.
  7. Cognitive and creative abilities among Muslim children.
  8. Vocational choices, aptitude among Muslims children
  9. Cognitive style of Muslims and Gifted Muslim Children.     

5.Current Social Psychology Problems:

  1. Poverty among Muslims, impact of poverty on motivational, behavioral and personality development.
  2. Muslims’ alienation from the National mainstream.
  3. Marital satisfaction and divorce (issue) – Islamic perspective.
  4. Family planning – Islamic vs. government’s view points – and resultant conflicts in the minds of the Muslims and non-Muslims.
  5. Ethnicity and Ethnic identity development among the Muslims Identity Crisis.
  6. Political awareness and participation in voting and other political behavior.
  7. Feelings of security and insecurity among Muslims.
  8. The frustration – aggression hypotheses and the Muslims.
  9. The study of mental health, behavioural changes in the riot affected people of areas.
  10. Impact of segregated/integrated residential areas on "Muslims life style".
  11. The Muslim slum dwelling – motivation, personality, cognition.
  12. Psychology of the Disadvantaged (minority group).
  13. Causative, attribution among Muslims.
  14. Attitude and Prejudice in the contemporary society
  15. Stereotype and discrimination    

6.Research Methodology:

  1. Construction of test material with special reference to Muslim respondents.
  2. Development of hypothesis in the light of Quran and Hadith.
  3. Selection of technique for the collection of data of Muslims particularly the females.
  4. Development of test for the measurement of Intelligence, Personality Achievement, and other psychological abilities.
  5. Development of tests batteries for the measurement of Islamic beliefs and behaviours.
  6. Development of tool for Islamic values.
  7. Islam and Collectivistic vs Individualistic Cultural Values Besides above six broad topics some more
    areas may be studied.

7. Health Psychology:

    1. Quality of well-being of Muslims
    2. Stress sources, effects and coping styles or strategies of Muslims
    3. Stress related disorders, Diseases and coping mechanism
    4. Social Psychological determinants of Health
    5. Aggressive Behavior & its country



  1. Islamic thought
  2. Life and death instincts
  3. Social control
  4. Meditation and Namaz, Impact of Saum and Salat
  5. Ethnocentrism and religious affiliation among Muslims.
  6. Analysis of dreams in Islamic Perspective
  7. .Guidance and Counselling in Islamic perspective


  1. Islamic History and Psychology
  2. Personality of Prophet, Sahabas and Caliphs


i. Law and Psychology
ii. Politics, Leadership and Powers

Political Science    Geography   South & South Asian Studies  Islamic Philosophy   Language and Literature   Psychology Sociology and Social Anthropology   Law   History    Education   Women studies   Human Rights Studies   Islamic Studies Policy Studies    Environmental Studies   Labour Studies   Current Issues   Interaction Studies   Economics